11:29 PM

Heather's b'day cum P-sch outing Part II

Finally! I've gotten the pix from Heather! Well anyway, like I said, we headed for dinner at Fish & Co after an entire day at Escape Theme Park.

So anyone who knows me well enough will know that I have a very bad impression of Fish & Co's eversince like 4years ago when I experienced the most atrocious service ever at the Glass House near Dhoby Ghaut. Anyone who knows me well will also know that I'm rather picky when it comes to service. Anyway, I don't think I wana dwell into that disappointing experience here.

What I wanna say is, I was quite reluctant to revisit Fish & Co eversince. Think I did once like 2 years ago at Centre Point and the Sword Fish I had was crap and the service didn't seem to have improved. But last Saturday was Heather's bday. And she wanted Fish & Co. So I didn't want to be a spoil sport and give it another try.

Maybe I should have just gone for the fish and chips long time ago. Maybe it was the waiters and waitresses at the TM outlet. But I must say, I'm converted. There were occasional peeves when they didn't get what we want quickly but to be fair we were requesting quite a lot. But they were friendly, chatty and approachable. But the turnaround factor for me was that:

I finally found a restaurant that does great b'day surprises! No longer is the miscommunication and slip-ups and obviousness. What we had there was pure initiative and an enthusiasm that shows they really care it's your b'day. It's not my idea of a classy service. But it is definitely a marked improvement from the previous. Bring a friend there on his/her b'day and you'll know what I mean.

So cut the long story short, these are the photos from the night:

A group pic taken by the friendly waitress who happens to be Desmond's ex-classmate.

Juncong trying to murder Heather with the cake knife but only succeeded in dropping cake flakes onto her hair.

The babes.

The fags. =x

A super unglam pic of me taken by Juncong when he was supposed to be taking Heather who was being forced to stand on the chair while the Fish & Co people sang her a b'day song. By the way, this pic illustrated just how much I enjoy the company of my p-sch friends :).
